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written Saturday, 11/10/2012
At last, Lady Logarithm is made available to the masses! Sinusoidal Curve had novelty on its side, and I was not initially convinced that a worthy follow-up would be made. A vision for Lady Logarithm started to become clear to me back in summer 2010, and I was disappointed when the plans for a 2011 video fell through. During the following school year though, things finally started to come together. Media Arts teacher Mr. Jeansonne and I decided to take the production and direction into our own hands this time but involve wider involvement frome students. We had some fun getting contributions from faculty and students from media arts, visual arts, vocal arts, and jazz band. Having debuted Lady Logarithm on the big screen of local Prytania Movie Theatre back in May, I didn't intend for it to take this long to post it here. By now we're already planning the next project. |